Pension Politicians Says

02 May 2015


Welcome to this week’s Focus on Friends of AE!

Last week’s London Region meeting:

The highlight was most certainly the presentation by Charlotte Clark, Director, Private Pensions & Stewardship at the Department for Work & Pensions. Charlotte’s presentation was very well received by attendees, who appreciated her open and straight-talking style.

The "discuss & report back session" that followed gave a great chance to engage with Charlotte around the challenges of implementation and to also consider some ideas that might help to make a difference.

We were all especially pleased that Charlotte engaged with us so successfully last week.

Launch of the Governance Task Force:

This is being led by Kim Gubler and David Stripp and will focus on concerns such as compliance, data security and driving good outcomes. If you may want to support this Task Force please contact David: Many thanks to Kim and David, two highly respected pensions professionals with tremendous experience in governance, for their leadership of this important Task Force.

Launch of the "Take Two!" Task Force:

The "Take Two!" Task Force is all about employers dealing with AE second-time around. It is recognised that there is an enormous secondary market and this Task Force will help to define and disseminate best practice on re-enrolment. If your organisation has 10,000+ workers or has first-hand experience of dealing with employers with 10,000+ workers (The October 2012 to March 2013 stagers) please email me at

Further Expressions of Interest Sought for the 24 June Capacity Crunch Conference:

If you might want to get involved please email

We’re looking for:

  • Delegates
  • Speakers
  • Panellists

More sponsors many thanks to the support we have already received from:


Regional Meetings:

New region: Newcastle

I am very pleased to advise that Mike Rohan of Sage is to be one of the two Co-Chairs for Newcastle. If you may want to attend a Newcastle FoAE meeting (and/or might want to help lead the Region) please make contact through:

Thank you very much indeed for your continued interest and support.

Kind regards,


Pension Politicians Founding Chair of the CIPP's Friends of AE