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Robert Redford
Site Admin
Posts: 33
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2014 5:30 pm

Rules of Payroll-Help

by Robert Redford » Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:58 pm

We hope you find your visits to the AE Help Forum of value.

This forum is intended solely for the use of:

- individuals involved with, or interested in, payroll and HR-related matters, and
- individuals with personal questions on payroll or HR-related matters.
If you fall into one of these two categories, you are welcome to become a member of the Forum and participate in the exchange of views, ideas and suggestions.

However, before joining the forum as a member, you should note that it is not necessary to become a member to use the forum. Anyone may read any of the posts without becoming a member. You only need to join the forum if you wish to raise a question or make a comment of your own.

Unfortunately, like many special-interest forums, it is plagued by spammers and people promoting their own values and interests. As explained in the rules below, such use of the forum will not be tolerated.

Reading and posting messages in the AE-Help Forum indicates acceptance of the following rules. Anyone breaking these rules may have their membership account deleted.

1) This is an open forum and the messages contained within do not necessarily reflect those of AE-Help. Posts contain information and personal opinion, not advice. Visitors should obtain proper legal advice in relation to specific situations. AE-Help is not responsible in any way for the outcome of decisions that are made based on postings in this forum.

2) Any material posted that we consider to be defamatory, potentially libelous, vulgar or otherwise inappropriate will be modified or deleted.

3) The membership account and posts of anyone displaying information that directly or indirectly promotes, or has the intent of promoting, a personal agenda, e.g. political, religious, sexual, medical, commercial, etc, will be deleted. However, the use of a company logo as an avatar is permitted and details of (but not an advertisement for) a member's business interests may be referred to in the member's signature.

4) Expletives are not permitted and posts containing these will be edited or removed.

5) As the purpose of membership is to post a message, the membership of anyone who does not post a message within one day of becoming a member will be deleted. There is no restriction on rejoining subsequently in order to post a message. We are sorry for the inconvenience this might cause to some legitimate visitors but it is an anti-spamming measure and limits the potential for abuse of the Forum.

6) The deletion of any membership account is absolutely at the discretion of AE-Help. Any persons believing that their account has been deleted unjustly or in error may contact AE-Help to explain why their membership should be reinstated.

7) You should be aware that some features of this forum may not function if cookies are blocked. For more information on cookies, please visit If you don't wish to have cookies stored on your computer, you can find instructions on how to block them at

If you have any questions about these rules, please email

Thank you for reading. Please enjoy the AE-Help Forum.

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